Editorial details

Ostfriesische Tee Gesellschaft GmbH & Co. KG

 Bosteler Feld 6

 21218 Seevetal



 Tel.: +49 (0) 4105 504-0

 Fax: +49 (0) 4105 624-0

 Email: info@otg.de


 Email for product enquiries: info@milford.de


 Place of business: Seevetal

 Register of companies: Amtsgericht Lüneburg HRA 110227

 VAT ID: DE186399984


 For any urgent concerns outside our business hours (Mon to Fri from 8.00 to 17.00) please use the following telephone number: +49 451 48445-442


 Personally liable general partner:

 “AMROPA” external trade company with limited liability

 Place of business: Seevetal

 Register of companies: Amtsgericht Lüneburg HRB 110396


 General Managers:

 Annemarie Leniger

 Ingo Steinbach

 Ingo Wiltfang

Dennis Bender